Public Universities
- Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
- Technical University of Munich
- Humboldt University of Berlin
- Free University of Berlin
- University of Bonn
- University of Heidelberg
- RWTH Aachen University
- University of Freiburg
- University of Tübingen
- University of Göttingen
- University of Mannheim
- University of Münster
- University of Hamburg
- University of Cologne
- University of Stuttgart
- University of Leipzig
- University of Würzburg
- University of Jena
- University of Kiel
- University of Regensburg
- University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
- University of Hohenheim
- University of Duisburg-Essen
- University of Konstanz
- University of Bayreuth
- University of Bremen
- University of Potsdam
- University of Rostock
- University of Siegen
- University of Oldenburg
- University of Passau
- University of Kassel
- University of Augsburg
- University of Marburg
- University of Halle-Wittenberg
- University of Bamberg
- University of Greifswald
- University of Trier
- University of Saarland
- University of Vechta
- University of Hildesheim
- University of Greifswald
- University of Flensburg
- University of Gießen
- University of Jena
- University of Kaiserslautern
- University of Koblenz-Landau
- University of Magdeburg
- University of Mannheim
- University of Münster
- University of Osnabrück
- University of Passau
- University of Potsdam
- University of Rostock
- University of Siegen
- University of Witten/Herdecke
- University of Würzburg
- University of Regensburg
- University of Lübeck
- University of Kassel
Private Universities
- International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef – Bonn (IUBH)
- New European College GmbH, München
- EIIE Eurasia Institute for International Education GmbH, Berlin
- International School of Management , Dortmund
- Cologne Business School (CBS), Köln
- Accadis University of Applied Sciences
- Schiller International University
- IGC- HOCHSCHULE BREMEN ‐ University of Applied Sciences
- GISMA Business School
- EU Business School, Munich
- IAS- International Academy of Students